Research Notes








・本研究では、小学校での外国語の教科化に向け、データ駆動型学習(Data-Driven Learning: DDL)を活用して文法指導を行い、中学校での英語教育への橋渡しを試みた。


全国英語教育学会 第43回 島根研究大会 | JASELE Conference 2017





杉田由仁・石井雄隆(2017)「タスクに基づくライティングテスト自動評価採点システムにおける客観的評価指標の検討 (2)」全国英語教育学会第43回島根研究大会.


・本研究では、タスクに基づくライティングテスト (Task-based writing test: TBWT) に特化した「コンピューターによる自動評価採点システム」の開発を進めている。第1次から第3次までの研究において、ライティング評価を予測する言語的特徴として抽出された客観的評価指標 (特徴量) により、総合評価を61~69%予測できる回帰式を作成することができた。しかし、予測精度をより向上させるために、1) Accuracy タスクの「言語的正確さ」の評価において、語彙や文法、スペル句読法などにおける誤りを特定し、統計指標化する方法を考案すること、2) Communicability タスクの「情報伝達効果」の評価において、課題との関連性を判定し統計指標化する方法を考案する必要性が示唆された。そこで本研究では、それぞれの評価規準をより適切に指標化する方法を考案・適用して総合的評価を予測する回帰式を作成し、その回帰式の有用性について検討を行った。


 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)第57回全国研究大会 - 大会案内・プログラム : [LET2017概要]








Ishii, Y., Sawaki, Y., & Tahara, T. (2017). An analysis of Japanese EFL learners’ reading-to-write task completion process: Triangulation of stimulated recall and keystroke logging data sources. The 21st Annual Conference of the Japan Language Testing Association.


Reading-to-write tasks require learners to summarize and paraphrase ideas represented in source texts. The importance of such tasks in fostering learners’ English language ability for academic purposes has been recognized by practitioners and researchers of EFL in Japan because such tasks elicit learner performance reflecting authentic language use in academic settings. Moreover, the employment of skill-integrated language use activities including reading-to-write tasks in English language instruction has become a central issue in the development of the next version of the course of study for grade schools by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as well as the currently on-going reform of university entrance examinations in Japan. Accordingly, it is imperative to elucidate the process learners engage while responding to reading-to-write tasks. As an example, Barkaoui (2015) investigated the process of completing integrated and independent writing tasks in his stimulated recall study. Barkaoui’s results revealed various construct-relevant activities that learners engage during the process of task completion such as interacting with the writing task and sources, planning, generating, evaluating, and revising for ESL learners. In the Japanese EFL context, however, little is known about learners’ strengths and weaknesses of their reading-to-write task performance. As an attempt to address this gap, the present study examined activities learners engage during the process of completing reading-to-write tasks by combining stimulated recall and keystroke logging for a fine-grained analysis of learners’ writing process from multiple perspectives (Lindgren & Sullivan, 2003).

Participants in this study were five undergraduate students majoring in English language and literature at a private university in Tokyo. Each learner read an English text and wrote a summary of it in approximately 80 words. To explore the learners’ writing process this study employed a keystroke-logging program, WritingMaetriX (Kusanagi, Abe, Fukuta, & Kawaguchi, 2014), which can record, analyze, and replay learners’ writing process. Upon completion of the summary task, a stimulated recall session was conducted, where the video of the learner’s task completion process and the replay of the learner’s keystroke logging were employed as prompts. Data on trends and frequencies of different activities observed in the keystroke logging data were analyzed in conjunction with stimulated recall data. In this presentation the presenters will summarize the key study results and implications of the findings for teaching, learning and assessment as well as future directions of this research.





本稿では,実践共同体の形成を目的としたファカルティデベロップメント(Faculty Development,以下FD)の概要について報告する.筆者らが所属する早稲田大学大学総合研究センターでは,教員へのFDプログラムとして,海外FD研修,オンデマンドFD研修,対面FD研修に加えて,学部生と大学院生で構成される高度授業TAとの協働を行っている.それらの取組みの概要と評価結果について紹介し,最後に,本実践における課題について言及する.



